Thursday, April 24, 2008

Helpful Herbal Remedies For Treating Typhoid Fever

Typhoid or enteric fever, has been noted to be one of the more difficult fevers to deal with, which generally has the ability to emaciate the patient if this is not checked in proper time.

This disorder has a dangerous onset, as there may be ulceration of the bowels or the skin through eruptions, and generally has a tendency to relapse. This disease has been virtually eradicated in industrialized Western countries, however the sad thing is that the deadly disease still continues to rage in areas like South Asia, Africa, South America and parts of the former Soviet Union.

Common Symptoms And Causes of This Disease

A bacillus, Salmonella typhi, causes the disease, according to medical experts. The fever comes on gradually, which allows the victim to move about normally for some days after the onset.

The most noticeable symptoms are headache, weariness and discomfort, and could be accompanied by insomnia and feverishness, especially at night. Initially, the patient will develop a high temperature, sore throat and fever, and would either be constipated or suffer from diarrhea. In adults suffering from typhoid, it is usually constipation while a childhood bout of typhoid usually causes diarrhea.

In the second week of the fever, a rash develops and in the third week, the patient becomes stoic and exhausted, and could at times be delirious. This is the critical point of recovery, because if it is not treated promptly during this period, other life-threatening complications may develop as the immune system would be totally ruined. But if treatment is promptly given and successful at this point, the person will begin to recover and in all likelihood survive and will not get too many side effects or permanent damage to the system.

Helpful Herbal Remedies For Quick Recovery From Typhoid Fever

- Cider
Sparkling cider not only is very refreshing, but also curative for persons suffering from this disease. Buttermilk is another agent that will be helpful for this disorder.

- Cloves
It’s advisable that clove water be given to the patient suffering from typhoid. In preparing a mixture, boil five cloves in 2 liters of water, and when the water is reduced to half the quantity, strain it. The patient should frequently take this every day for some time.

- Belladonna
In cases where the patient’s pupils become dilated, the pulses small and the extremities inclined to be cold, the person should be given ten drops of specific belladonna to a half a glass of water, and the patient should be given a teaspoonful every hour.

- Large raisins
Scientists have noted that on the basis of experiments, that typhoid germs can be eradicated by burning raisins or large raisins and other dry fruits.

- Baptisia
This herb may take the place of echinacea, or, for better results, combine these two.

For those who frequently travel outside the United States, Canada, northern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, vaccinations are recommended, especially during epidemic outbreaks. However, immunization may not always be truly effective and at-risk travelers should take only boiled or bottled water and eat well-cooked food. Adequate water treatment, waste disposal, and protecting food supplies from contamination are vital public health measures that should be implemented, as typhoid carriers should not be allowed to work as food handlers.

Vanessa Arellano Doctor

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